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Important Information



Thank you for your interest in 3D/4D baby ultrasound. Our highly skilled, certified sonographers at Camden Medical Centre have many years of Obstetrics ultrasound imaging experience.

3D pictures are like colour photographes and 4D imaging is like a colour video.

3D/4D imaging can be done anytime from 8 weeks to 40 weeks and does not require a full bladder. 12 to  30 weeks would be ideal but nice images can still be obtained up to 36 weeks in many women.

Each session will take about 30 -60 minutes. Image quality varies depending on gestation, baby position, placenta location, amount of fluid and maternal size. We will make every effort to obtain the best possible images and videos of your baby. These will be given to you in a DVD and you are welcome to take screen shots and videos with your mobile phone.

Foetal position may not always be favourable for full facial view which is not so common in reality but many lovely parts of your baby can still be obtained inspite of non-optimal position.

We will include 2D imaging in real time to give a fuller picture of the baby’s activities inside the mother’s womb.

Please remember these are not diagnostic scans and you do need to be under the care of an obstetrician for your pregnancy either before or after your ultrasound scan.

Do check our website regularly to view our updated images using this amazing technology !

From the 3D/4D Baby ultrasound team in Singapore.



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